RGE companies focus on good land management to mitigate fire and haze risk

RGE companies focus on good land management to mitigate fire and haze risk

The haze affected Southeast Asian nations in third quarter 2015, exacerbated by uncontrolled fires and inadequate land management. Governments, businesses, communities and NGOs have discussed the issue at length, each desperate to establish a stronger and more robust governance to end uncontrolled fires and transboundary haze. Production-protection partnerships are forged over the last few years […]

RGE companies embrace Circular Economy thinking

RGE companies embrace Circular Economy thinking

As political and business leaders convene in Davos to discuss, debate and share issues of global, regional and industry-level concern, the discourse on circular economy has gained more momentum and growing attention. Championed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy system offers a rethink of the prevalent linear “Take, Make, Dispose” economic model. This […]

Volunteers from RAPP make inroads in infrastructure development for community

Volunteers from RAPP make inroads in infrastructure development for community

APRIL Group’s Indonesia operations PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper’s (RAPP) ongoing commitment to community development continues to make the headlines in Riau. Employee volunteers help build 1.5km road Staff in the RAPP Employee Volunteering Programme worked hand-in-hand with members of the community in Tebing Tinggi in Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau to build a 1.5 […]

GlobeAsia: Balancing growth with conservation

GlobeAsia: Balancing growth with conservation

Mr Tony Wenas, Director APRIL Group Indonesia Operations and President Director PT RAPP, was recently interviewed by GlobeAsia. The article and feature image are shared with permission from GlobeAsia. Links and images have been added. Indonesia’s large forestry sector has been a major driver of economic growth over the past few decades. But in recent years the sector has come under heavy […]

COP21 announcements & behind the scenes with APRIL Group

COP21 announcements & behind the scenes with APRIL Group

As world leaders convened at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris, APRIL Group announced Dec 1, 2015 it will step up conservation and restoration efforts in Riau via the Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) programme. Held in parallel with the Paris Climate Conference, the fifth edition of the Indonesia Pavilion saw representatives from government, […]

APRIL honours fire-free villages with awards

APRIL honours fire-free villages with awards

To recognise successful fire prevention and management in villages, APRIL Group’s Indonesian operations PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT RAPP) held an event on November 18, 2015 in Pekanbaru to award various villages for their concerted efforts in the Fire-Free Village Programme. Community at the heart of fire prevention Having launched the Fire-Fire Village Programme in July […]

APRIL Group and community united in haze challenge

APRIL Group and community united in haze challenge

APRIL Group and its Indonesia operations PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) have been in the local news in recent weeks for various haze relief efforts for the benefit of many communities. These run in parallel with its resolute and comprehensive fire management efforts – from monitoring and suppression, to strong fire prevention advocacy. […]

RAPP honoured with 11 Golden Flags for work safety and health policies

RAPP honoured with 11 Golden Flags for work safety and health policies

APRIL’s Indonesian subsidiary PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) was honoured with 11 “Golden Flags” for its excellence implementing and and managing occupational health and safety. Director Rudi Fajar received the awards on behalf of RAPP on 10 September 2015. (more news in Bahasa Indonesia here) Golden Flags for excellent safety and health implementation […]

APRIL Group leads multi-stakeholder effort in fire prevention

APRIL Group leads multi-stakeholder effort in fire prevention

Our focus now is prevention – RGE Director Anderson Tanoto On July 28, 2015, APRIL Group launched the Fire Free Village Programme in Pangkalan Kerinci to create fire-free villages through the collaboration with villages, community stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and enforcement agencies. (see News Release and APRIL Dialog for more information) Fire Free Village Programme Tapping on […]

APRIL Group enhances Butterfly Habitat with Young Environmentalists

APRIL Group enhances Butterfly Habitat with Young Environmentalists

APRIL Group joined young Southeast Asian environmentalists, Singaporean school students and representatives from the National Parks Board (NParks) as part of a tripartite enhancement of the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park‘s Butterfly Habitat. More butterflies for Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park In the morning July 24, 2015, the multi-stakeholder group of public, private and people sector participants […]