Why Embracing Biofuels Matters

Why Embracing Biofuels Matters

As the world faces the urgent need to decarbonise and mitigate climate change, the spotlight has turned to biofuels as a promising solution. At the Southeast Asia – Latin American Dialogues (SALA Dialogues) 2024 organised by the Latin American Chamber of Commerce, Singapore (LatAmCham) in collaboration with the INSEAD Hoffmann Institute, Lucita Jasmin, Group Sustainability […]

RGE Companies Kick Off Gotong Royong Vaccinations For Employees

RGE Companies Kick Off Gotong Royong Vaccinations For Employees

In a major effort to boost herd immunity and support recovery in the industrial plantations sector, RGE companies across Indonesia kicked off a self-funded Gotong Royong vaccination programme for all employees. ‘Gotong Royong’ is a uniquely Indonesian term that refers to mutual cooperation within the community. To further strengthen nationwide vaccination efforts, ‘Gotong Royong Vaccinations’, […]

A SMILE for Smallholder Inclusion

A SMILE for Smallholder Inclusion

There is yet another reason for Indonesia’s independent oil palm smallholders to SMILE! Apical and Asian Agri have joined forces with Kao Corporation to launch an 11-year programme to help participating independent oil palm smallholders improve yields, incomes and livelihoods. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics for the Republic of Indonesia (2018), independent oil […]

Life Without (Single-Use) Plastic? It’s Fantastic!

Life Without (Single-Use) Plastic? It’s Fantastic!

It started from an RGE Townhall in Jakarta in March 2019, where APRIL’s sustainability professionals raised the issue of single-use plastics and its adverse impact on the environment. The session saw the collaborative contribution of ideas by employees of different business groups, skills and portfolios. This ground-up design and brainstorm later developed into a campaign […]

Asian Agri Gives IDR 4.3B of Profits to Partnered Smallholders

Asian Agri Gives IDR 4.3B of Profits to Partnered Smallholders

Continuing the unique tradition of rewarding its RSPO-certified smallholder partners, Asian Agri recently shared with them profits from the sale of certified sustainable palm oil. Premium Sharing Since 2014, the Asian Agri premium sharing event has been a regular affair. Held at Hotel Pangeran, Riau, the 21 March 2019 event reaffirms the company’s commitment as […]

Strength in Diversity: RGE Companies Commemorate International Women’s Day 2019

Strength in Diversity: RGE Companies Commemorate International Women’s Day 2019

In commemoration of International Women’s Day last week, RGE business groups APRIL and Asian Agri shared stories of female employees who have contributed in diverse ways to improving lives. The resource manufacturing industry has traditionally been male-dominated. RGE business groups have witnessed the increased inclusion, representation and participation of women over the years coinciding with […]

Asian Agri’s Hat-trick: A Commitment, A Harvest, An Award

Asian Agri’s Hat-trick: A Commitment, A Harvest, An Award

Asian Agri recently reached a hat-trick of milestones. These were achievements built on years of smallholder engagement and committed public-private partnerships as the company forges ahead as a community-focused, responsible and sustainable palm oil producer. A Commitment Surpassed The company recently announced that it not only reached its One-to-One Commitment, but surpassed it. The commitment involves partnering […]

RGE 2018 Highlights

RGE 2018 Highlights

2018 was a year marked by renewed purpose and continued progress across the RGE (Royal Golden Eagle) group of companies. In addition to new ventures and opportunities, there was an intensification of efforts in sustainable development across the RGE companies. Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) was unveiled as the newest business group in RGE, and is […]