APRIL Supports Circular Economy with Sustainable Paper Packaging

APRIL Supports Circular Economy with Sustainable Paper Packaging

This article is adapted from “The paperization of packaging: Sustainability goes beyond trend”, published by The Jakarta Post. You can read the original article here From paper straws to shopping bags, the pursuit of sustainability has seemingly brought a gradual change to the way we shop. The paperization, or rather the fiberization, of packaging is […]

APRIL Group Supports Flood Relief in Riau Province

APRIL Group Supports Flood Relief in Riau Province

The subdistricts of Kampar Kiri and Kampar Kiri Hulu in Riau province were hit by floods when the Subayang River burst its banks on 14 Jan 2019. This caused damage and disrupted life for several villages. APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited) Group’s Indonesian operations PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT RAPP) quickly […]

APRIL Community Development Programme Fosters the Entrepreneurial Spirit

APRIL Community Development Programme Fosters the Entrepreneurial Spirit

APRIL is known for its energy efficient mills that have an annual production capacity of 2.8 million tonnes for pulp and 1.15 million tonnes for paper. But apart from having one of the world’s largest integrated pulp and paper mills, APRIL is also widely admired for its emphasis on sustainable development and holistic community-centric initiatives. The […]

Good for Community, Good for Company: APRIL’s Presence Supports Local Businesses

Good for Community, Good for Company: APRIL’s Presence Supports Local Businesses

Sulaiman is a man who firmly believes in taking a hands-on approach to his business. Every day, he surveys the operations of his coco peat company, which supplies 200 tonnes of coco peat per month to APRIL‘s Riau operations. Ecologically friendly, bio-degradable and made from recyclable material, Sulaiman prides himself on providing quality goods. His insistence on […]

APRIL Gives Big with 1,265 Bags of Blood at Donation Drive

APRIL Gives Big with 1,265 Bags of Blood at Donation Drive

The fasting month observed by the Muslim-majority Indonesia often coincides with a noticeable increase in demand for blood. In order to contribute towards the blood bank supply, APRIL‘s Indonesia operations PT RAPP collaborated with Keluarga Donor Darah (KDD) to organise a blood donation drive among its Kerinci-based employees. A Tradition of Donation The event was  the newest chapter […]

From Seedling to Paper: APRIL hosts visitors from GCNS and Yale-NUS

From Seedling to Paper: APRIL hosts visitors from GCNS and Yale-NUS

APRIL is known by its customers and suppliers as one of the world’s leading pulp and paper players—leveraging on technology and innovation to continually improve its operations. What most consumers do not get an opportunity to see, however, is the process by which trees are cultivated from seedlings to paper, as well as the whole suite […]

APRIL’s Fire-Free Village Programme Goes into Third Year

APRIL’s Fire-Free Village Programme Goes into Third Year

APRIL, one of the world’s most technologically advanced pulp and paper manufacturer, deepened its commitment to fire-prevention at the launch of the third edition of the Fire-Free Village Programme (FFVP) on May 16, 2017, in preparation for the upcoming dry season. Marking the occasion at the Pelalawan Airstrip in Riau were the Chief of the […]

APRIL Shares Sustainability Journey at Eco-Business Forum

APRIL Shares Sustainability Journey at Eco-Business Forum

APRIL Group recently participated in a panel discussion on how businesses can contribute to the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Held in Singapore, the forum marked the release of Eco-Business’ Global Sustainability Pulse Survey and profiled the sustainability journey of a range of companies as a canvas for discussion. Represented by Agung Laksamana, Director of Corporate Affairs, APRIL […]

Ecosystem Restoration: A Salute to the Field Teams at Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER)

Ecosystem Restoration: A Salute to the Field Teams at Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER)

Editor’s Note: This article was first published on April Dialog. Dr Tony Whitten is Regional Director, Asia Pacific, Fauna & Flora International (FFI). FFI is RER’s technical partner, managing key elements of the project as they relate to biodiversity, climate and communities. As part of its role, it has released an important report, detailing Biodiversity on the Kampar […]