RGE Companies commitment to sustainability gives SIIA chairman optimism on Haze Issue

RGE Companies commitment to sustainability gives SIIA chairman optimism on Haze Issue

Every year, Indonesia and its neighbors brace for the dry season and the resulting haze that shrouds the skies and poses potential risks to health. In an editorial published in The Straits Times on 7 November 2014, chairman of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Professor Simon Tay, reflects on the progress that the region […]

Asian Agri and Smallholders Partnership in Agri Business Contributes to National Economy

Asian Agri and Smallholders Partnership in Agri Business Contributes to National Economy

The development of the agri business in Indonesia is still being challenged by the poor welfare of smallholders, even when these smallholders are the front liners of the industry who contribute to the country’s national income. One of the ways to increase smallholders’ welfare is to develop a partnership between them and the companies,  which has been […]