The Tanoto Forestry Information Center (TFIC) was launched on December 21, 2015 at the Bogor Agricultural University.

The newly inaugurated TFIC building aims to be a knowledge hub for forestry management and science.
TFIC to serve as forestry management hub
Tanoto Foundation Founder and Board of Trustees Chairperson Sukanto Tanoto inaugurated the TFIC, which will act as a knowledge incubator with resources for research and seminars in the field of forestry management and science. The TFIC will connect the university globally with other universities and research institutions.
Mr Sukanto Tanoto, also RGE’s Chairman, said “The Center is one of our initiatives to support the development of forestry science in Indonesia. We look forward to wider collaboration with the Bogor Agricultural University and other universities and research institutions to further develop research and development.”
Milestone for Tanoto Foundation & Bogor Agricultural University
The TFIC marks yet another important milestone in the collaboration between Tanoto Foundation and Bogor Agricultural University. Tanoto Foundation has to date disbursed more than 400 scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students of the university.
The inauguration event was attended by staff, students, and alumni of the Bogor Agricultural University, representatives from the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, various NGOs, and representatives from Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) business groups.
Improving the forestry industry for the nation

Mr Sukanto Tanoto marks the TFIC launch by planting trees around the complex. (Image source:
According to the Forestry Statistics of Indonesia published by the Ministry of Forestry in September 2013, 52.3% or 99.6 million hectares of Indonesia are forests. Of the 4,000 types of trees found, 267 have high economic value. More than 3.76 million people work in the forestry sector, contributing around USD 21 billion, or 3.5% of Indonesia’s GDP.
Mr Tanoto added, “The forestry industry is crucial to Indonesia’s economy. To improve the sector’s contribution, Indonesia needs people knowledgeable in forestry. These are the people who can use and develop applicable knowledge. We hope the Tanoto Forestry Information Center will produce prominent scientists and practitioners of sustainable forestry at the national and international levels.”
More info on Tanoto Foundation here and here.