Unlocking the Rural Potential in Indonesia

Unlocking the Rural Potential in Indonesia

Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy continues to see growth momentum despite the slowdown in the global economy. The World Bank expects Indonesia’s GDP to expand to 5.2 percent this year, picking up moderately to 5.5 percent in 2016; largely due to private consumption growth remaining relatively stable, increase in fixed investment spending and a gradual […]

Sustaining the Future of Palm Oil

Sustaining the Future of Palm Oil

A common ingredient in many products on supermarket shelves – ranging from food-related to personal care – palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil in the world. It holds a market share of 38 percent of the world’s major oil and fats today. With a rising global population and affluence especially in the emerging economies such […]

Tanoto Foundation Support the Implementation of SATAP with United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Tanoto Foundation Support the Implementation of SATAP with United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

On 12 February 2015, Tanoto Foundation, founded by Sukanto Tanoto, signed an agreement with United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to support the implementation of SATAP (Sekolah Satu Atap) – One Roof School program in East Java and West Sulawesi in Indonesia. The One Roof School program was initiated by the Indonesian government in 2005 as part of […]

Tanoto Foundation Professor Leads Heart Disease Study

Tanoto Foundation Professor Leads Heart Disease Study

Tanoto Foundation Professor, Stuart Cook, is currently leading a team of scientists in the study a heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition where the heart muscle becomes weakened and unable to function normally. Professor Cook is a Senior Consultant of Department of Cardiology and Distinguished Clinician Scientist of the National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS), and Director […]

Asian Agri and Smallholders Partnership in Agri Business Contributes to National Economy

Asian Agri and Smallholders Partnership in Agri Business Contributes to National Economy

The development of the agri business in Indonesia is still being challenged by the poor welfare of smallholders, even when these smallholders are the front liners of the industry who contribute to the country’s national income. One of the ways to increase smallholders’ welfare is to develop a partnership between them and the companies,  which has been […]

Tanoto Entrepreneurship Series Features Sudhamek AWS

Tanoto Entrepreneurship Series Features Sudhamek AWS

The Tanoto Entrepreneurship Series, funded by the Tanoto Foundation in collaboration with the economics faculty of Universitas Indonesia, aims to combat poverty in the Southeast Asian nation by providing education and support for student entrepreneurs. The lecture series engages distinguished entrepreneurs as guest speakers to address the practical needs of today’s students and emerging business professionals. […]

Tanoto Foundation’s Gift to Medical Research

Tanoto Foundation’s Gift to Medical Research

The National Heart Research Institute Singapore (NHRIS) was launched by President Tony Tan at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2014, a biennial Congress that showcases the latest medical developments and scientific advances in clinical care, research and medical education. (See more here) NHRIS is a joint venture by the National Heart Centre Singapore and Duke-National […]

Environmental Education Outreach Programs to Schools in China

Environmental Education Outreach Programs to Schools in China

RGE has been actively involved in raising the environmental awareness of students in China through outreach programmes such as the “Little Electricity Generator” and “Little Paper Maker”. RGE Founder and Chairman Sukanto Tanoto strongly believes that a company can only be successful if it is a responsible corporate citizen. Guided by his principle that business should […]