Tanoto Foundation Professor develops new test for screening heart conditions

Tanoto Foundation Professor develops new test for screening heart conditions

Tanoto Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre, Professor Stuart Cook and his team recently developed a new test that will significantly shorten the time for patient screening for inherited heart conditions. (see news report) Shorten screening time for heart conditions Patients at the National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) previously had […]

Volunteers from RAPP make inroads in infrastructure development for community

Volunteers from RAPP make inroads in infrastructure development for community

APRIL Group’s Indonesia operations PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper’s (RAPP) ongoing commitment to community development continues to make the headlines in Riau. Employee volunteers help build 1.5km road Staff in the RAPP Employee Volunteering Programme worked hand-in-hand with members of the community in Tebing Tinggi in Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau to build a 1.5 […]

Reaching out to the community with Project Sukacita

Reaching out to the community with Project Sukacita

Tanoto Foundation organised its annual Project Sukacita Dec 7 to 11, 2015 to reach out and help the community. Together in Community Service In its fourth edition, Project Sukacita saw undergraduates comprising 17 Tanoto Scholars from Singapore and Indonesia, and four volunteers join forces in the spirit of community service. The National University of Singapore […]

Tanoto Foundation champions sustainable development agenda

Tanoto Foundation champions sustainable development agenda

Founded by Sukanto Tanoto and his wife Tinah Bingei, Tanoto Foundation fights poverty with three strategic thrusts in Education, Empowerment and Enhancement of Quality of Lives (known as the 3 Es). The Foundation has also forged close partnerships with private sector businesses of various sizes, schools and many other organisations across various countries to champion […]

Record numbers attend annual Tanoto Scholars Gathering

Record numbers attend annual Tanoto Scholars Gathering

#TSG15 – Tanoto Scholars Gathering 2015 A record 266 Tanoto scholars attended the Tanoto Scholars Gathering from 12 to 15 August 2015 in Pangkalan Kerinci. Held annually since 2010 by Tanoto Foundation, this year’s Tanoto Scholars Gathering saw scholars from 23 universities across 9 cities in Indonesia. Learn and Lead Themed “Learn and Lead”, the […]

Belinda Tanoto on CNA Perspectives’ “Inequality in Asia”

Belinda Tanoto on CNA Perspectives’ “Inequality in Asia”

Belinda Tanoto was part of a discussion panel on Inequality in Asia, on Channel NewsAsia’s (CNA) Perspectives, which aired on June 10, 2015. A member on the Board of Trustees of Tanoto Foundation, Ms Tanoto shared insights and anecdotes with the panel and audience, outlining the importance of the roles non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play and the […]

Belinda Tanoto weighs in on poverty alleviation

Belinda Tanoto weighs in on poverty alleviation

Tanoto Foundation Board of Trustees member Belinda Tanoto weighed in on poverty alleviation in 2 videos by the Foundation. The interviews were conducted on the sidelines of the United Nations Development Programme in Jakarta on April 13, 2015. Ms Tanoto was among panellists who spoke at a session themed “Fostering Commitment and Leadership for Philanthropy’s Engagement“. […]

Tanoto Foundation tackles poverty with 3 E’s

Tanoto Foundation tackles poverty with 3 E’s

Tanoto Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Tanoto Family, was recently featured in The Jakarta Post, April 27, 2015. The article touched on how the Foundation tackles poverty through its 3E thrusts – Education, Empowerment, Enhancement – and various initiatives and programmes to address inequalities derived from poverty. One initiative, Pelita Pendidikan, aims at raising […]

The Town of Kerinci

The Town of Kerinci

The town of Pangkalan Kerinci, commonly known as Kerinci, is part of Pelalawan – a regency of the Riau Province; the economic hub of the island of Sumatra and one of the richest provinces in Indonesia due to its abundance of natural resources. Travelling to Pelalawan involves firstly flying to Pekanbaru in Riau and then […]