Asia Symbol (Guangdong) is Guangdong Province’s Outstanding Papermaking Company

Asia Symbol (Guangdong) is Guangdong Province’s Outstanding Papermaking Company

Asia Symbol (Guangdong) Paper Co., Ltd was named by the Guangdong Paper Association as one of “Guangdong Province’s Outstanding Paper-making Company in 2013-2014”. The honour came after stringent reviews by a panel of experts and the association. The event, which recognised the achievements of the paper-making companies in the Guangdong Province, was organised by Guangdong Paper Association. The Association aims […]

RGE Companies commitment to sustainability gives SIIA chairman optimism on Haze Issue

RGE Companies commitment to sustainability gives SIIA chairman optimism on Haze Issue

Every year, Indonesia and its neighbors brace for the dry season and the resulting haze that shrouds the skies and poses potential risks to health. In an editorial published in The Straits Times on 7 November 2014, chairman of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Professor Simon Tay, reflects on the progress that the region […]

APRIL Participates in Singapore’s Inaugural Haze Exhibition

APRIL Participates in Singapore’s Inaugural Haze Exhibition

APRIL participated in Singapore’s first-ever public exhibition on haze as a sponsor and exhibitor. The exhibition: “Haze: Know it. Stop it.”, held at VivoCity, one of Singapore’s busiest metropolitan shopping malls, from 7 to 9 November 2014, is organised by the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA). The interactive exhibition, launched by Senior Minister of […]

Asian Agri and Smallholders Partnership in Agri Business Contributes to National Economy

Asian Agri and Smallholders Partnership in Agri Business Contributes to National Economy

The development of the agri business in Indonesia is still being challenged by the poor welfare of smallholders, even when these smallholders are the front liners of the industry who contribute to the country’s national income. One of the ways to increase smallholders’ welfare is to develop a partnership between them and the companies,  which has been […]

Tanoto Entrepreneurship Series Features Sudhamek AWS

Tanoto Entrepreneurship Series Features Sudhamek AWS

The Tanoto Entrepreneurship Series, funded by the Tanoto Foundation in collaboration with the economics faculty of Universitas Indonesia, aims to combat poverty in the Southeast Asian nation by providing education and support for student entrepreneurs. The lecture series engages distinguished entrepreneurs as guest speakers to address the practical needs of today’s students and emerging business professionals. […]

Sateri – Award-Winning Supplier of Cellulose-Based Materials

Sateri – Award-Winning Supplier of Cellulose-Based Materials

In 2014, Sateri Holdings Limited, a major international producer of cellulose products with manufacturing and production facilities in Brazil and China, received its third Asian Excellence Recognition Award in a row. The award was presented by the continent-spanning publication Corporate Governance Asia as part of efforts to encourage superior business practices in the region. It credited Sateri’s record […]

Tanoto Foundation’s Gift to Medical Research

Tanoto Foundation’s Gift to Medical Research

The National Heart Research Institute Singapore (NHRIS) was launched by President Tony Tan at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2014, a biennial Congress that showcases the latest medical developments and scientific advances in clinical care, research and medical education. (See more here) NHRIS is a joint venture by the National Heart Centre Singapore and Duke-National […]

RGE Chairman Sukanto Tanoto Receives Award in Beijing

RGE Chairman Sukanto Tanoto Receives Award in Beijing

In recognition of his significant contributions to the development of the Beijing municipality, Mr. Sukanto Tanoto was given the Jinghua Award by the Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Wang Anshun at the Overseas Chinese Affairs meeting in Beijing, China in May 2014. Indonesian-born businessman Mr Tanoto is the founder of the RGE (Royal Golden Eagle), […]

Environmental Education Outreach Programs to Schools in China

Environmental Education Outreach Programs to Schools in China

RGE has been actively involved in raising the environmental awareness of students in China through outreach programmes such as the “Little Electricity Generator” and “Little Paper Maker”. RGE Founder and Chairman Sukanto Tanoto strongly believes that a company can only be successful if it is a responsible corporate citizen. Guided by his principle that business should […]