APRIL’s Independent Peat Expert Working Group (IPEWG) Publishes Phase 1 Progress Report

APRIL’s Independent Peat Expert Working Group (IPEWG) Publishes Phase 1 Progress Report

The Independent Peat Expert Working Group (IPEWG), a working group of global peatland experts and scientists that leading pulp and paper producer APRIL established in January 2016, has published its Phase 1 Progress Report, detailing the accomplishments and challenges over the past two years of engaging with the company. Formed after the launch of APRIL’s Sustainable […]

SAC Progress Report Highlights Achievements & Challenges in SFMP 2.0 Implementation

SAC Progress Report Highlights Achievements & Challenges in SFMP 2.0 Implementation

APRIL’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) published its progress report, providing a retrospective of its engagement with one of the largest, most technologically advanced and efficient makers of pulp and paper products in the world. Meeting for the first time in January 2014, the SAC operates as an independent body tasked with overseeing the implementation of APRIL’s […]

RER Inaugural Annual Report Highlights Increased Biodiversity, Absent Fires and Engaged Communities

RER Inaugural Annual Report Highlights Increased Biodiversity, Absent Fires and Engaged Communities

Endangered species have returned. Fires have been absent for almost three years. Communities have been engaged and their members, given alternative livelihoods. These are several of the highlights in Riau Ecosystem Restoration’s (RER) first annual report, released in April 2018. Guided by its pioneering approach of a four-phase model of peatland forest protection, creation and […]

LKYSPP Students’ APRIL Visit: Policies, Programmes & Communities

LKYSPP Students’ APRIL Visit: Policies, Programmes & Communities

On 20 March, ten students from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore (NUS) visited APRIL’s operations in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau Province, Indonesia. The trip was part of the students’ class on “Moral Reasoning & the Policy Process”, a module on the challenges, justifications and implications of policy positions […]

More Communities Reap Full Rewards in APRIL’s Fire Free Village Program 2017

More Communities Reap Full Rewards in APRIL’s Fire Free Village Program 2017

A record 15 of 18 villages in APRIL’s Fire Free Village Program (FFVP) will receive the full award for not using fire as a tool in their approach to community land management in 2017, a significant milestone in their continuing journey towards fire resilience. Now on its third year, FFVP is a systematic and targeted approach […]

APRIL’s Production-Protection Model Featured in LKYSPP Case Study

APRIL’s Production-Protection Model Featured in LKYSPP Case Study

The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) featured APRIL in a case study entitled “A Production-Protection Model for Sustainable Pulp & Paper Operations in Riau, Indonesia”. It tells how APRIL “took steps to balance the economic and environmental concerns of paper production while taking into account multiple stakeholders, including the Indonesian government, local […]

RER: Where Conservation and Chilli Farming Meet

RER: Where Conservation and Chilli Farming Meet

There was a time when Riau farmer Zamri had to struggle to make ends meet, having to provide for his wife and children, as well as for his mother and sister. These days, Zamri – better known by his nickname Acok – enjoys a relatively steady monthly income. All by running his own farm in […]

Tanoto Foundation Supports the Wharton-SMU Dialogue

Tanoto Foundation Supports the Wharton-SMU Dialogue

Over 100 guests comprising alumni from the Wharton School and Singapore Management University (SMU), as well as academics, industry experts and businessmen, participated in the Wharton-SMU dialogue on Monday, 5 March 2018. Supported by Tanoto Foundation, the dialogue featured a panel discussion on the topic ‘The New World Order: Implications for Asia and Global Trade’. […]

RER: Protecting and Documenting Endangered Bird Life in the Kampar Peninsula

RER: Protecting and Documenting Endangered Bird Life in the Kampar Peninsula

Bird lovers rejoice! Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER)’s pioneering report, Birds of the Kampar Peninsula: An Annotated Checklist, has confirmed the presence of 299 rare and endangered birds in its Kampar Peninsula peatland restoration forest area in Indonesia. The annotated checklist records all the bird species that have been identified as of June 2017 and was […]

Apical Joins Tropical Forest Alliance 2020

Apical Joins Tropical Forest Alliance 2020

Apical Group, one of the largest exporters of palm oil in Indonesia, recently became a partner of Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020). Founded in 2012, TFA 2020 is a global public-private umbrella partnership which brings together governments, private sector, and civil society organisations to reduce deforestation associated with the sourcing of palm oil, beef, […]