16th Chapter of the Tanoto Scholars Association Inaugurated at TSAN 2018

16th Chapter of the Tanoto Scholars Association Inaugurated at TSAN 2018

The Tanoto Scholars Annual Networking (TSAN) 2018 event saw the inauguration of the first Singapore chapter of the Tanoto Scholars Association, adding to the existing 15 in Indonesia. This marks another milestone in the strengthening of the Tanoto Scholars network in the region. Held at the National University of Singapore, the momentous occasion was graced […]

Anderson Tanoto: Blockchain in Philanthropy – From Transactive to Collaborative

Anderson Tanoto: Blockchain in Philanthropy – From Transactive to Collaborative

RGE Director Anderson Tanoto joined entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders at the Forbes Asia Forum: Decrypting Blockchain for Business on 4 December 2018, discussing the variety of uses for blockchain. As a panelist on the “Once on the Block, Forever on the Chain” session, Tanoto touched on the uses of blockchain technology in the agri-commodity industry, and also […]

Second Generation Oil Palm Smallholders Continue to Grow and Succeed with Asian Agri

Second Generation Oil Palm Smallholders Continue to Grow and Succeed with Asian Agri

In the 1990s, Ekoyono’s parents decided to leave their hard life in Ciamis, West Java and opt instead for a new life as oil palm farmers in Pelalawan, Sumatra. His parents enlisted in the Indonesian Government’s Plasma Transmigration Programme (PIR-Trans), a programme that offered Indonesians from rural areas the opportunity to become oil palm farmers […]

Tanoto Foundation Continues to Transform Education in Indonesia with Technology and Teacher Training

Tanoto Foundation Continues to Transform Education in Indonesia with Technology and Teacher Training

How do you transform the fourth largest education system in the world? With more than 50 million students, 2.6 million teachers, and 250,000 schools spread across an archipelago of more than 900 inhabited islands, Indonesia’s educational landscape is vast as it is complex. But with innovation and commitment, Tanoto Foundation continues to help transform the […]

Belinda Tanoto Featured in ASEAN Impact 25 Philanthropist Catalogue

Belinda Tanoto Featured in ASEAN Impact 25 Philanthropist Catalogue

Belinda Tanoto, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Tanoto Foundation, was featured in “ASEAN Impact 25”, a catalogue compiling the narratives of 25 philanthropists from across the region. Launched by Asia Philanthropy Circle (APC) at the inaugural ASEAN Philanthropy Dialogue on 21 March 2018, the compendium outlines the overall impact of their […]

RER: Where Conservation and Chilli Farming Meet

RER: Where Conservation and Chilli Farming Meet

There was a time when Riau farmer Zamri had to struggle to make ends meet, having to provide for his wife and children, as well as for his mother and sister. These days, Zamri – better known by his nickname Acok – enjoys a relatively steady monthly income. All by running his own farm in […]

From Car Rental Driver to Country Delegate: A Tanoto Scholar Alumni’s Story

From Car Rental Driver to Country Delegate: A Tanoto Scholar Alumni’s Story

Several years ago, a rental car driver used to look up to the sky whenever an airplane flew past and told himself that he would one day take a plane ride. Today, this very same driver and former Tanoto Foundation scholar has taken not just one but several plane rides, representing Indonesia at various international events […]

Tanoto Foundation Hosts 2018 Gathering for Scholars and Alumni in Singapore

Tanoto Foundation Hosts 2018 Gathering for Scholars and Alumni in Singapore

The 2018 Tanoto Scholars and Alumni Gathering in Singapore saw its largest attendance yet, with 62 scholars and representatives from the nation’s top universities – Singapore Management University (SMU), Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore, taking part in the event held at SMU. Tanoto Foundation which funds the scholarships was founded by […]

Belinda Tanoto Speaks on Philanthropy, Education and Empowerment

Belinda Tanoto Speaks on Philanthropy, Education and Empowerment

Tanoto Foundation member Belinda Tanoto was featured in the Nov-Dec issue of NTU’s Continuum Magazine (pages 15-19). The article below is shared with permission from NTU. A Gift for a Better Future: Empowerment through Education Ms Belinda Tanoto — from the family and foundation behind the Tanoto Scholarship for the College of Engineering, Nanyang Business […]

Asia Philanthropy Circle Launches Report on Improving Indonesia’s Education System

Asia Philanthropy Circle Launches Report on Improving Indonesia’s Education System

Asia Philanthropy Circle (APC), a regional “platform for philanthropists by philanthropists”, launched ‘Catalysing Productive Livelihood: A guide to education interventions with an accelerated path to scale and impact’, a Giving Guide report that defines strategic areas of focus for philanthropists to bring about transformative impact to Indonesia’s education system. Supported by Tanoto Foundation, the report […]