Sateri Releases 2017 Sustainability Report

Sateri Releases 2017 Sustainability Report

Sateri, a member of the Royal Golden Eagle group of companies, has released its 2017 sustainability report. This second edition documents key achievements and milestones in 2017, as well as efforts in sustainability and stakeholder engagement. Prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Standards (GRI Standards 2016), the report includes the following highlights: Update […]

Apical Puts Digital Foot Forward

Apical Puts Digital Foot Forward

Making further strides in engaging its stakeholders, Apical Group, one of the largest palm oil exporters in Indonesia, launched a newly designed corporate website on 28 September 2018. A step up from its predecessor, the new website features comprehensive content aimed at serving a variety of stakeholders, reflecting the company’s dedication to engagement and transparency. Apical’s […]

Apical Releases Second Sustainability Report, Strengthens Partnerships with Suppliers and Stakeholders

Apical Releases Second Sustainability Report, Strengthens Partnerships with Suppliers and Stakeholders

Apical Group, one of Indonesia’s largest exporters of palm oil, released its 2017 Sustainability Report, highlighting its efforts to work with its network of stakeholders to innovate, develop collective understanding, harness synergies and accelerate progress. The company’s second sustainability report, written using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, demonstrates how its Anchor Programmes such as […]

FFVP’s 4th Anniversary: Engaged Communities, Fewer Fires

FFVP’s 4th Anniversary: Engaged Communities, Fewer Fires

On 26 July 2018, leading pulp and paper producer APRIL celebrated the fourth anniversary of its successful Fire-Free Village Programme (FFVP). An evolution of the Village Incentive Programme in 2014, the initiative seeks to engage communities as an on-the-ground approach to address the problem of fire and haze in Indonesia. The event was attended by various […]

Bracell Releases 2017 Sustainability Report, Demonstrates Commitment to Sustainable Operations and Community Engagement

Bracell Releases 2017 Sustainability Report, Demonstrates Commitment to Sustainable Operations and Community Engagement

Bracell, a global leading player of high quality rayon-grade and specialty-grade cellulose from plantation wood, has released its 2017 Sustainability Report. The report highlights several achievements in the company’s sustainability journey, including its continued investment in communities surrounding its area of operations in Bahia, Brazil. A significant milestone for the company was the release of […]

SAC Progress Report Highlights Achievements & Challenges in SFMP 2.0 Implementation

SAC Progress Report Highlights Achievements & Challenges in SFMP 2.0 Implementation

APRIL’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) published its progress report, providing a retrospective of its engagement with one of the largest, most technologically advanced and efficient makers of pulp and paper products in the world. Meeting for the first time in January 2014, the SAC operates as an independent body tasked with overseeing the implementation of APRIL’s […]

LKYSPP Students’ APRIL Visit: Policies, Programmes & Communities

LKYSPP Students’ APRIL Visit: Policies, Programmes & Communities

On 20 March, ten students from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore (NUS) visited APRIL’s operations in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau Province, Indonesia. The trip was part of the students’ class on “Moral Reasoning & the Policy Process”, a module on the challenges, justifications and implications of policy positions […]

Sateri and Peers Collaborate to Promote Sustainable Development of Viscose

Sateri and Peers Collaborate to Promote Sustainable Development of Viscose

Sateri, a leading global producer of viscose staple fibre with an annual production capacity of 800,000 tons, has joined nine other major viscose producers and two trade associations in China to form the Collaboration for Sustainable Development of Viscose (CV). This industry-led initiative seeks to address sustainability challenges and drive market transformation. Launched in March […]

RER: Protecting and Documenting Endangered Bird Life in the Kampar Peninsula

RER: Protecting and Documenting Endangered Bird Life in the Kampar Peninsula

Bird lovers rejoice! Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER)’s pioneering report, Birds of the Kampar Peninsula: An Annotated Checklist, has confirmed the presence of 299 rare and endangered birds in its Kampar Peninsula peatland restoration forest area in Indonesia. The annotated checklist records all the bird species that have been identified as of June 2017 and was […]