RGE 2021 Highlights

RGE 2021 Highlights

From the opening of the world’s largest and greenest pulp mill in Brazil to progress on our sustainability commitments around the world, 2021 was an outstanding year for RGE. The group solidified its place operating at the heart of the bio-economy in the world’s fastest growing markets. Our sustainable natural fibres, edible oils, green packaging […]

TSAN 2021: Tanoto Scholars Discuss Leadership and Resilience

TSAN 2021: Tanoto Scholars Discuss Leadership and Resilience

Tanoto Scholars in Singapore came together for an evening of networking and sharing at the Tanoto Scholars Annual Networking 2021 (TSAN2021) on December 16, 2021. Held with safe distancing measures, this marked the first in-person TSAN since 2019. The event was organised by the Tanoto Foundation, an independent philanthropy founded by RGE Chairman Sukanto Tanoto […]

RGE Founder’s Day 2021: Giving Back Once Again In ‘The New Normal’

RGE Founder’s Day 2021: Giving Back Once Again In ‘The New Normal’

RGE Founder’s Day 2021 was observed globally from October through December under another year of special circumstances. However, the COVID-19 global pandemic and new variants did not dampen RGE companies’ resolve to continue creating value for community, country, climate, customer and the company – our Founder and Chairman Sukanto Tanoto’s 5C’s business philosophy. RGE’s 60,000-strong […]

A Common Goal for the Global Commons

A Common Goal for the Global Commons

Businesses have to approach their activities with a stewardship mindset. They need to understand their footprint and impact, take ownership and adopt the necessary intervention measures in line with science. In doing so, they can negate domestic impact and consequently international spillover. RGE Vice Chairman Bey Soo Khiang shared these insights at a panel discussion […]

How Does the Indonesian Paper and Pulp Industry Alter Public Perceptions in its Sustainability Journey?

How Does the Indonesian Paper and Pulp Industry Alter Public Perceptions in its Sustainability Journey?

Having witnessed the dedication of staff and how sustainability is deeply embedded in APRIL Group’s operations in Indonesia, a Master of International Economic Policy candidate at Columbia University and former staff of the UN Environment Programme wrote a commentary sharing views on how like-minded companies and stakeholders in the pulp and paper industry can pave a […]

Beyond the Pandemic: Conversation with Belinda Tanoto and Prof Tikki Pangestu

Beyond the Pandemic: Conversation with Belinda Tanoto and Prof Tikki Pangestu

What will the ‘new normal’ look like? How do we achieve herd immunity across Asia? What more can we do to emerge stronger from the pandemic? These are discussed in the first episode of Tanoto Foundation’s podcast ‘Unlocking Potential: Conversations with Tanoto Foundation’. In this episode titled ‘Beyond the Pandemic’, RGE Managing Director and Tanoto […]

RGE Companies Kick Off Gotong Royong Vaccinations For Employees

RGE Companies Kick Off Gotong Royong Vaccinations For Employees

In a major effort to boost herd immunity and support recovery in the industrial plantations sector, RGE companies across Indonesia kicked off a self-funded Gotong Royong vaccination programme for all employees. ‘Gotong Royong’ is a uniquely Indonesian term that refers to mutual cooperation within the community. To further strengthen nationwide vaccination efforts, ‘Gotong Royong Vaccinations’, […]

RGE Indian Community Rallies to Support India’s COVID-19 Fight

RGE Indian Community Rallies to Support India’s COVID-19 Fight

The Indian community from the RGE (Royal Golden Eagle) global group of companies rallied to pool S$676,800 in donations to support India’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Collected within a few days, the donations were used to procure and deliver 76 ventilators to bolster the world’s second most populous nation’s life-saving medical infrastructure. The full […]